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No matter how far you go, you will see further there

 No matter how far you go, you will see further there

No matter how far you are, you will see further there

Do not think that you have attained all the knowledge, and that you have attained all the knowledge, and know that we attain an insignificant amount of knowledge, and for this reason, no matter how much knowledge you attain, you will see that you are very far away, and if you read some of the biographies of the predecessors, you will find some of them. He reads his books for more than ten hours a day, and he has reached eighty years of age. Then he says, “I wish youth would return so that I could read the rest of the books in my library.” So what about you, who does not read a single book a year and claims knowledge and knowledge? Then I do not want you to read a lot of books. Without work, knowledge is work, and there is no good in knowledge that you do not practice. If knowledge does not change your thinking and attitudes for the better, then there is no good in your learning this, for it is better to be ignorant of a thing than to learn it and not do it. From the book Life Skills by Ibrahim Al-Shamlan
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